Sustainability targets

  • UN sustainable goal 5

    Meno wants to be different. "Our society today is not built for parents of young children with two parents chasing a career, and then it is usually the mother who is "sacrificed".

    Meno wants to be different and facilitate a much more flexible working life so that it is possible to be a top manager and a mother of young children.

    We also encourage female entrepreneurship, as it is underrepresented both nationally and globally, and will implement a targeted strategy to encourage more female founders. dette er underrepresentert både i landet og verden, og vil legge en målrettet strategi for å bidra til flere kvinnelige grundere.

  • UN stustainable goal 3

    In Norway today, we are lucky when it comes to mental illness and vaccination rates - but we have major challenges with mental illness.

    Meno wants to contribute to preventive measures when it comes to this - everyone should have the opportunity to exercise during working hours or go for a walk in daylight.

    This is something that can have such a big effect on how employees feel, but also on efficiency and mood - so I think the company benefits from this too, and not just employees.

  • UN sustainable goal 9

    In line with SDG 9 part 2), Meno aims to Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and business development, and by 2030, significantly increase the share of industry in employment and gross domestic product.

    Meno is located in rural surroundings at Kyrksæterøra and is passionate about creating more jobs here.

    Although we have not yet achieved local production, this is a goal for the future.